The concept of the Theatre Bath Bus is to provide a mobile performance space. A blank canvas that can be used by everyone from musicians to comedians, theatre makers to poets and artists, a place where a rainbow of thoughts can be explored and absorbed in a friendly and intimate environment.
Historical Context
A huge part of being human is based around storytelling. Passing stories from person to person and performing those stories throughout the ages. This project allows us to reconnect with our theatrical roots and, like the Mummers Plays of old, travel from community to community and share our stories in this modern equivalent of the travelling cart. It will allow for companies and individuals to take their performances into the heart of communities and reach people who perhaps cannot attend theatres or venues. This bus will put the arts back at the heart of the community.
Charitable Purpose
The main objective of the not for profit Theatre Bath Bus project is to provide a service to communities that do not have access to theatre and performance space resources.
Charitable Aims
- To provide performance space and theatre resources in the heart of communities.
- To expose vulnerable / disadvantaged groups who are culturally, geographically or economically isolated to the arts
- To expose vulnerable / disadvantage groups because they are isolated by their own lack of mobility.
- to provide a low cost ‘pop-up’ venue for those wishing to perform or meet
Client Groups
A function that is unique to the Theatre Bus is its ability to reach those who are physically restricted to a small area and are therefore unable to get to an “arts” space by themselves. The Theatre Bus serves a wide variety of people for whom public transport is not available, who are often too frail to walk a distance, who may be housebound, who are perhaps in long term residential care or who have a physical or mental disability which prevents them engaging.

This non-exhaustive list of client groups include:-
- Care Homes/Retirement Villages
- Youth Clubs
- Primary Schools and Pre Schools
- Offender Institutions
- Sheltered Accommodation
- Hospitals
- Housing Estates
- Festivals and Fetes
The scope for the Theatre Bus is only limited by ones imagination. The layout of the bus has been designed to accommodate a range of creative activities including:
Music performance
- Story telling
- Poetry Reading
- Theatre performance
- Film
- Puppetry
- Sensory Space
- Study Facilities
- Talks (local history, etc)
Physical Characteristics
The choice of a 11 metre single-decker bus, as opposed to a double-decker was the preferred choice for the Theatre Bus as this serves the needs of the client groups while maximising accessibility, eg low bridges. The access ramp and flexible seating layout will meet the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
Service Costs
In considering the provision of the Theatre Bus, a choice has been made between equity of service for its charitable purposes and cost of delivering the service. All client groups will have equal opportunity of access to service at a significantly reduced or free use. To achieve this it is envisaged that the theatre bus will be self-funded through corporate / commercial / private hire.